
Heva Clonia Online: Level 29 Warrior Gameplay

Quick run of Arachne’s Nest dungeon, on a level 29 warrior. Play Heva Clonia Online at !

Heva Clonia Online Money Making Guide


Welcome to my Heva Clonia Online Money Making Guide!
Need some extra cash, or looking to make tons of gold?  Here are a few tips to get you started!

Play HCO at !

[What to NPC]
[What to Disassemble]
[What to Keep]
[What to Sell to Players]
[Where to Get Items!]
[Dungeon Videos]


What to NPC

Low-tier materials such as Iron Ore, Hair Tufts etc. that are used to create crafting materials like Iron Ingots & Fabric: These are best sold to NPCs rather than used to make these items.


The cost of actually creating each item is not worth it, for example;

Each Iron Ingot requires 6 pieces of Iron Ore, and 110g to create.

Each Iron Ore will NPC for 20g.

This means you will effectively use 230g worth of materials and gold to create one Iron Ingot, which (at current market prices) will only sell for 150-200g on average.

You may make a very small profit, so it’s up to you if you want to do this or not.

The market price for these kind of items may change in the future, and if so, I will update this section to reflect those changes.

Unneeded Food and Clone Food:  There isn’t much you can do with these items if they are too low-tier to be effective for HP/MP recovery, aside from NPCing them to clear inventory space.

Unneeded Clone Accessories: There is currently no market for these, as they are easy to obtain, and as you cannot disassemble them, it is best to NPC them.

Unneeded Clones/DNA that are not part of the Codex and are not in high demand: Codex clone items will sell for a good price, as will boss clones and other popular clones.  Check the Auction House for clones you want to sell, and depending on the prices there you can determine what you want to try selling and what you’d rather NPC.



What to Disassemble

All armor and weapons lower than Hero grade:  Disassembling these yield valuable materials used for crafting, which are in high demand (Crystals, Ingots etc.).

Why?  Luxurious grade (yellow named) items are difficult to sell, even with excellent Options.  Even ones that you find with better stats than Hero grade (orange named) items are not in high demand, as other players can easily craft these themselves.  You can use your own judgement if you think you have an exceptionally good Luxurious grade item to sell, but let me re-state that it may be difficult.

All accessories that have low to moderate Options: Disassembling these yields upgrade materials (Almion Fragments etc.) used for enhancing equipment.

Why?  Accessories are fairly common to come across, and players are usually only willing to buy those with quite good Options.

The upgrade materials you gain are in high demand and always will be, as players will always be enhancing their items and burning through upgrade materials.



What to Keep

Keep your Dungeon Tickets!  They’re your pathway to making the best money via dungeon drops (equipment, crafting materials etc.) and dungeon repeatable quests which yield upgrade materials.

Consumables you’ll use: Such as HP/MP potions, food that restores enough HP/MP to be useful and buff items.  Sometimes, I even go so far as to collect HP Powder to craft my own potions, but that’s being really stingy.  The food you can buy from NPCs does have a higher cooldown time, but in most cases it’s enough to keep you alive.

Keep any Hero Grade (orange named) equipment that you will personally use, and that is not a “Set” item.

Why?  Once you equip a Set item, it will bind to your character and you will be unable to resell it if you outlevel it or replace it with better a better piece of equipment.  It’s better to sell them, unless you really like the stats and don’t mind sacrificing a decent amount of gold that you would otherwise gain from selling it.

Codex Clones: Keep any clone that is used in the Clone Codex, and add it to your own.  You’ll only need to do this once per clone, and then you can sell any leftovers.

Rare crafting materials: e.g. Rainbow Shells, Death Throes Fragments – it’s up to you whether you’d rather keep these and attempt to craft some Hero grade (orange named) equipment or sell them on.  Just remember to add up the cost of making each piece of equipment to figure out how much you’ll need to sell it for in order to make more money than the materials would give you.  I personally save them for trying to craft my own gear, and if I don’t like the options I usually sell it on at either cost or a small loss.


What to Sell to Players

Crafting Materials: Ingots, Fabric, Crystals etc.  They are always in high demand as players are constantly crafting new items.

Upgrade Materials: As mentioned before, upgrade materials such as Almion Fragments, Alminion etc. will always be in high demand as players will always be upgrading items.  Expect the demand for these to increase when cash shop equipment protection stones are released, as there will be less risk for enhancing for players willing to buy these.

Hero Grade Equipment: Even Hero grade (orange named) equipment pieces with bad options are in fairly high demand.

Codex & other clones in high demand: Most clones that can be registered in the Clone Codex are in high demand.  There are some exceptions – use the Auction House to determine your prices.  The same goes for rare clones and boss clones.

Accessories with moderate to good Options: Some players are willing to pay well for accessories if they are unlucky in their drops.  Use the Auction House and your own judgement to determine if any accessories you fine are worth selling, or better dismantled.

Rare crafting materials: e.g. Rainbow Shells, Death Throes Fragment – again, up to you whether to keep them or sell them –  whatever best fits your judgement & needs.


Where to Get Items!

After reading what to do with items, you may be wondering where you can get all these shiny things!  The (not-so) secret is dungeons, dungeons and MORE dungeons.

Once you get some decent gear you should be able to breeze through dungeons (with or without a party – soloing you’ll get more drops to disassemble, but in a party you can still obtain Hero grade equipment and rare crafting materials so it’s not much of a disadvantage).

Dungeons will give you:
Equipment to disassemble, Hero grade equipment, clone DNA, fortune boxes (which can contain any number of useful things…or trash) and rare crafting materials.

It’s also good to pick up the repeatable quests for dungeons – once you start speeding through your runs, the rewards will add up nicely.

Upon completing a dungeon, you also have a chance of a Golden Door spawning.  If you have a Golden Key, you can enter another dungeon stage with easier monsters, and awesome loot. [Golden Dungeon Video!]

Another way to farm items is by killing bosses in the field.

We currently have a problem with people AFK-farming (or just being lazy and holding down X, so they can tell you “Oh, I’m not botting.”), so this is sometimes not possible.  Also remember that when you are farming a boss, players may need it for their quests so it’s kind to let them get one kill in before you continue farming.

Bosses can drop their DNA, and rare crafting materials.  They may sometimes drop a bit of equipment, but that isn’t the main reason you’d farm them.

You can also farm equipment to disassemble just fine by AoEing mobs in the field – and occasionally a giant version of the monster will appear upon killing a regular one.  These giant monsters can drop rare crafting materials also.

All in all, though, dungeons have worked best for me to make money, and I think it’s probably the best way to go.

You can check out some dungeon videos below to see what to expect – note that the harder difficulties will be more rewarding item-wise.